A selection of local business
We’ve listed below a selection of local businesses offering a range of services in and around the Worthing area.
The sites listed are provided as a useful resource to our customers. Please do note that we cannot take any responsibility or provide any guarantees for the accuracy of the content featured on these third-party websites.
Would like to say what a fantastic service you gave to us to make our evening special. Tim the driver was so on the ball, polite, such a nice bloke wow really a great evening was had. We’ll certainly use you again!
Gillian, Goring, West Sussex,
Thanks for providing such a great service on 27th July. Your driver was both polite and professional and made my daughter’s Birthday a moment to remember. Next time I need a big a car, I’ll be right back to you.
Ray, Storrington, West Sussex,
Thank you for last Thursday. Everything was great - you made 12 ladies very happy!
Mrs Woodhouse - High Salvington, West Sussex,